

Najtoplejši mesec Julij 18.84 °C
Najhladnejši mesec Januar -1.71 °C
Average annual temperature 9.06 °C
Warmest year (1901-2012) 2000 11.04 °C
Coldest year (1901-2012) 1940 7.26 °C
Average annual temperature trend (1901-2012) +0.0133 °C
Wettest month Junij 129.44 mm
Driest month Januar 56.58 mm
Average annual precipitation 98.09 mm
Wettest year (1901-2012) 1937 1791.1 mm
Driest year (1901-2012) 1921 802.9 mm
Average annual precipitation trend (1901-2012) -1.6622 mm
Month with highest average daily PEV Julij 3.76 mm
Month with lowest average daily PEV December 0.34 mm
Average daily PEV 1.87 mm
Year with highest average daily PEV (1901-2012) 2012 2.23 mm
Year with lowest average daily PEV (1901-2012) 1955 1.66 mm
Average annual daily PEV trend (1901-2012) +0.0017 mm
Month with highest cloudiness December 70.19 %
Month with lowest cloudiness Avgust 49.51 %
Average annual cloudiness 60.34 %
Year with highest average cloudiness (1901-2012) 1960 69.7 %
Year with lowest average cloudiness (1901-2012) 2003 50.77 %
Average annual cloudiness trend (1901-2012) -0.0217 %

Skupni graf

Summary graph for decades

Summary table of values and deviations for individual years









1901 8.08 -0.99 -10.9 1340.2 163.1 13.9 1.83 -0.05 -2.7 60.2 -0.1
1902 8.03 -1.03 -11.4 1166.8 -10.3 -0.9 1.83 -0.04 -2.1 60.3 -0.1
1903 8.67 -0.40 -4.4 1362.8 185.7 15.8 1.84 -0.03 -1.6 58.4 -1.9
1904 9.05 -0.01 -0.1 1330.5 153.4 13.0 1.91 0.03 1.6 59.1 -1.3
1905 8.47 -0.60 -6.6 1324.5 147.4 12.5 1.86 -0.02 -1.1 60.3 -0.1
1906 8.41 -0.66 -7.3 1311.9 134.8 11.5 1.78 -0.10 -5.3 60.2 -0.2
1907 8.43 -0.64 -7.1 1196.7 19.6 1.7 1.85 -0.02 -1.1 60.1 -0.2
1908 7.98 -1.09 -12.0 956.9 -220.2 -18.7 1.85 -0.02 -1.1 60.4 0.1
1909 8.18 -0.88 -9.7 1183.2 6.1 0.5 1.79 -0.08 -4.3 60.2 -0.2
1910 8.93 -0.14 -1.5 1466.2 289.1 24.6 1.78 -0.10 -5.3 59.9 -0.4
1911 9.20 0.14 1.5 1047.1 -130.0 -11.0 1.85 -0.02 -1.1 59.9 -0.4
1912 8.22 -0.85 -9.4 1331.0 153.9 13.1 1.77 -0.11 -5.9 60.4 0.0
1913 8.62 -0.45 -5.0 1165.3 -11.8 -1.0 1.76 -0.12 -6.4 60.3 0.0
1914 8.06 -1.01 -11.1 1265.2 88.1 7.5 1.77 -0.11 -5.9 60.1 -0.3
1915 8.48 -0.58 -6.4 1530.6 353.5 30.0 1.80 -0.07 -3.7 59.6 -0.7
1916 9.48 0.41 4.5 1479.3 302.2 25.7 1.84 -0.03 -1.6 60.2 -0.2
1917 8.40 -0.66 -7.3 1264.5 87.4 7.4 1.86 -0.02 -1.1 60.1 -0.3
1918 8.81 -0.26 -2.9 1215.7 38.6 3.3 1.78 -0.09 -4.8 60.4 0.0
1919 8.24 -0.82 -9.0 1439.1 262.0 22.3 1.75 -0.12 -6.4 60.2 -0.2
1920 9.38 0.31 3.4 988.3 -188.8 -16.0 1.89 0.02 1.1 60.0 -0.3
1921 9.27 0.20 2.2 802.9 -374.2 -31.8 1.90 0.03 1.6 60.0 -0.3
1922 8.31 -0.76 -8.4 1259.4 82.3 7.0 1.83 -0.05 -2.7 61.0 0.6
1923 9.12 0.05 0.6 1384.4 207.3 17.6 1.81 -0.07 -3.7 61.4 1.0
1924 8.23 -0.84 -9.3 1044.5 -132.6 -11.3 1.79 -0.08 -4.3 60.9 0.5
1925 8.68 -0.39 -4.3 1355.2 178.1 15.1 1.78 -0.09 -4.8 61.5 1.2
1926 9.33 0.26 2.9 1476.5 299.4 25.4 1.79 -0.08 -4.3 61.3 1.0
1927 9.30 0.24 2.6 1264.1 87.0 7.4 1.86 -0.02 -1.1 61.2 0.9
1928 9.08 0.02 0.2 1143.2 -33.9 -2.9 1.84 -0.03 -1.6 61.3 1.0
1929 8.29 -0.77 -8.5 1108.7 -68.4 -5.8 1.82 -0.06 -3.2 61.0 0.7
1930 9.48 0.41 4.5 1315.5 138.4 11.8 1.85 -0.02 -1.1 61.2 0.9
1931 8.34 -0.72 -7.9 1163.7 -13.4 -1.1 1.83 -0.05 -2.7 61.3 0.9
1932 8.65 -0.41 -4.5 961.2 -215.9 -18.3 1.84 -0.03 -1.6 61.1 0.7
1933 7.78 -1.28 -14.1 1472.1 295.0 25.1 1.77 -0.11 -5.9 61.2 0.8
1934 9.92 0.85 9.4 1323.1 146.0 12.4 1.90 0.03 1.6 61.2 0.9
1935 8.78 -0.28 -3.1 1191.8 14.7 1.2 1.83 -0.04 -2.1 61.4 1.1
1936 9.26 0.19 2.1 1269.2 92.1 7.8 1.82 -0.06 -3.2 65.2 4.8
1937 9.06 -0.01 -0.1 1791.1 614.0 52.2 1.74 -0.13 -6.9 66.6 6.2
1938 8.89 -0.17 -1.9 1054.3 -122.8 -10.4 1.80 -0.07 -3.7 65.6 5.3
1939 9.08 0.01 0.1 1128.0 -49.1 -4.2 1.86 -0.02 -1.1 63.7 3.3
1940 7.26 -1.81 -20.0 1310.2 133.1 11.3 1.75 -0.12 -6.4 60.9 0.5
1941 7.82 -1.25 -13.8 1226.9 49.8 4.2 1.76 -0.12 -6.4 63.6 3.2
1942 8.36 -0.71 -7.8 882.1 -295.0 -25.1 1.91 0.03 1.6 56.8 -3.6
1943 9.44 0.38 4.2 1095.1 -82.0 -7.0 1.98 0.11 5.9 56.2 -4.2
1944 8.58 -0.49 -5.4 1270.1 93.0 7.9 1.80 -0.07 -3.7 63.2 2.8
1945 9.37 0.30 3.3 951.8 -225.3 -19.1 1.92 0.04 2.1 62.3 1.9
1946 9.58 0.51 5.6 891.8 -285.3 -24.2 2.08 0.21 11.2 58.6 -1.8
1947 9.31 0.24 2.6 1011.2 -165.9 -14.1 2.06 0.18 9.6 54.7 -5.6
1948 9.30 0.24 2.6 1273.3 96.2 8.2 1.88 0.01 0.5 57.3 -3.1
1949 9.63 0.57 6.3 928.6 -248.5 -21.1 1.92 0.04 2.1 56.8 -3.5
1950 9.83 0.77 8.5 1198.5 21.4 1.8 2.09 0.22 11.7 55.5 -4.8
1951 9.69 0.63 7.0 1305.0 127.9 10.9 1.87 -0.01 -0.5 66.7 6.4
1952 8.72 -0.35 -3.9 1143.7 -33.4 -2.8 1.89 0.02 1.1 67.3 7.0
1953 9.04 -0.02 -0.2 982.0 -195.1 -16.6 1.86 -0.02 -1.1 56.8 -3.5
1954 8.08 -0.99 -10.9 1240.9 63.8 5.4 1.68 -0.19 -10.1 63.7 3.4
1955 8.31 -0.76 -8.4 1255.0 77.9 6.6 1.66 -0.22 -11.7 66.4 6.1
1956 7.88 -1.18 -13.0 1180.5 3.4 0.3 1.84 -0.03 -1.6 63.9 3.6
1957 9.19 0.13 1.4 1090.5 -86.6 -7.4 1.84 -0.03 -1.6 62.1 1.8
1958 9.37 0.30 3.3 1240.0 62.9 5.3 1.87 -0.01 -0.5 63.3 2.9
1959 9.40 0.34 3.8 1202.7 25.6 2.2 1.85 -0.02 -1.1 62.4 2.0
1960 9.20 0.14 1.5 1331.4 154.3 13.1 1.75 -0.12 -6.4 69.7 9.4
1961 9.67 0.60 6.6 1122.9 -54.2 -4.6 1.94 0.07 3.7 58.3 -2.0
1962 8.04 -1.02 -11.3 1429.2 252.1 21.4 1.79 -0.08 -4.3 60.2 -0.2
1963 8.40 -0.66 -7.3 1181.6 4.5 0.4 1.91 0.03 1.6 59.8 -0.6
1964 8.68 -0.38 -4.2 1234.5 57.4 4.9 1.89 0.02 1.1 59.1 -1.2
1965 8.31 -0.76 -8.4 1454.7 277.6 23.6 1.77 -0.11 -5.9 62.8 2.4
1966 9.59 0.53 5.8 1227.6 50.5 4.3 1.93 0.05 2.7 65.3 5.0
1967 9.46 0.39 4.3 1001.9 -175.2 -14.9 1.93 0.05 2.7 59.7 -0.6
1968 9.00 -0.06 -0.7 1052.2 -124.9 -10.6 1.86 -0.02 -1.1 61.1 0.7
1969 8.43 -0.63 -7.0 1265.8 88.7 7.5 1.81 -0.07 -3.7 62.7 2.3
1970 8.53 -0.54 -6.0 1174.2 -2.9 -0.2 1.74 -0.13 -6.9 63.5 3.2
1971 8.77 -0.30 -3.3 874.2 -302.9 -25.7 1.88 0.01 0.5 56.6 -3.8
1972 8.66 -0.41 -4.5 1430.7 253.6 21.5 1.73 -0.14 -7.5 65.1 4.8
1973 8.60 -0.46 -5.1 1088.4 -88.7 -7.5 1.82 -0.06 -3.2 59.8 -0.5
1974 9.29 0.23 2.5 1164.8 -12.3 -1.0 1.84 -0.03 -1.6 63.5 3.2
1975 9.42 0.35 3.9 1148.3 -28.8 -2.4 1.86 -0.02 -1.1 56.3 -4.1
1976 8.71 -0.36 -4.0 1076.4 -100.7 -8.6 1.91 0.03 1.6 59.3 -1.0
1977 9.38 0.31 3.4 989.3 -187.8 -16.0 1.89 0.02 1.1 62.7 2.3
1978 7.98 -1.08 -11.9 1063.2 -113.9 -9.7 1.70 -0.17 -9.1 62.8 2.5
1979 8.99 -0.07 -0.8 1337.4 160.3 13.6 1.87 -0.01 -0.5 59.9 -0.5
1980 8.13 -0.93 -10.3 1206.1 29.0 2.5 1.72 -0.16 -8.5 63.5 3.1
1981 9.06 -0.01 -0.1 1035.0 -142.1 -12.1 1.88 0.00 0.0 58.9 -1.5
1982 9.38 0.32 3.5 1156.0 -21.1 -1.8 1.91 0.03 1.6 59.6 -0.7
1983 9.51 0.44 4.9 895.6 -281.5 -23.9 2.00 0.13 6.9 52.6 -7.8
1984 8.71 -0.36 -4.0 1111.2 -65.9 -5.6 1.79 -0.08 -4.3 61.7 1.3
1985 8.51 -0.56 -6.2 1219.7 42.6 3.6 1.86 -0.02 -1.1 58.0 -2.4
1986 8.59 -0.47 -5.2 1118.2 -58.9 -5.0 1.88 0.00 0.0 58.4 -2.0
1987 8.64 -0.42 -4.6 1271.3 94.2 8.0 1.82 -0.06 -3.2 60.7 0.4
1988 9.48 0.41 4.5 1041.5 -135.6 -11.5 1.89 0.02 1.1 58.1 -2.2
1989 9.55 0.49 5.4 1092.1 -85.0 -7.2 1.83 -0.05 -2.7 57.1 -3.2
1990 9.86 0.79 8.7 1188.5 11.4 1.0 2.03 0.15 8.0 55.1 -5.2
1991 8.90 -0.16 -1.8 1168.8 -8.3 -0.7 1.87 -0.01 -0.5 57.4 -2.9
1992 10.21 1.14 12.6 1090.8 -86.3 -7.3 2.13 0.25 13.3 53.9 -6.4
1993 9.57 0.50 5.5 1017.5 -159.6 -13.6 2.02 0.14 7.5 57.9 -2.4
1994 10.92 1.85 20.4 1169.9 -7.2 -0.6 2.10 0.23 12.3 58.6 -1.8
1995 9.58 0.51 5.6 1126.1 -51.0 -4.3 1.93 0.05 2.7 61.0 0.6
1996 8.77 -0.30 -3.3 1225.9 48.8 4.1 1.83 -0.04 -2.1 67.2 6.9
1997 9.65 0.59 6.5 995.2 -181.9 -15.5 1.93 0.06 3.2 61.0 0.6
1998 9.98 0.91 10.0 1187.0 9.9 0.8 1.95 0.08 4.3 60.5 0.2
1999 9.95 0.89 9.8 1238.0 60.9 5.2 1.88 0.00 0.0 64.2 3.9
2000 11.04 1.98 21.8 1060.3 -116.8 -9.9 2.12 0.24 12.8 58.3 -2.0
2001 10.03 0.97 10.7 972.3 -204.8 -17.4 1.95 0.08 4.3 60.4 0.1
2002 10.53 1.46 16.1 1091.2 -85.9 -7.3 1.99 0.12 6.4 62.6 2.3
2003 10.02 0.95 10.5 843.1 -334.0 -28.4 2.19 0.32 17.1 50.8 -9.6
2004 9.44 0.38 4.2 1197.5 20.4 1.7 1.85 -0.02 -1.1 62.2 1.8
2005 9.13 0.07 0.8 1188.5 11.4 1.0 1.87 -0.01 -0.5 57.4 -3.0
2006 9.93 0.86 9.5 937.9 -239.2 -20.3 1.99 0.12 6.4 57.2 -3.1
2007 10.88 1.82 20.1 1041.3 -135.8 -11.5 2.13 0.25 13.3 55.6 -4.8
2008 10.69 1.63 18.0 1086.9 -90.2 -7.7 1.99 0.12 6.4 58.9 -1.4
2009 10.62 1.55 17.1 1237.5 60.4 5.1 2.09 0.22 11.7 57.9 -2.4
2010 9.63 0.56 6.2 1388.8 211.7 18.0 1.89 0.02 1.1 62.8 2.4
2011 10.46 1.39 15.3 877.9 -299.2 -25.4 2.15 0.28 14.9 53.2 -7.2
2012 10.75 1.69 18.6 1150.0 -27.1 -2.3 2.23 0.36 19.2 51.1 -9.2

Summary deviations table by decades









1901-1910 8.42 -0.64 -7.1 1264.0 86.9 7.4 1.83 -0.04 -2.1 59.91 -0.43
1911-1920 8.69 -0.37 -4.1 1272.6 95.5 8.1 1.81 -0.06 -3.2 60.11 -0.23
1921-1930 8.91 -0.15 -1.7 1215.4 38.3 3.3 1.83 -0.04 -2.1 61.08 0.74
1931-1940 8.70 -0.36 -4.0 1266.5 89.4 7.6 1.81 -0.06 -3.2 62.80 2.46
1941-1950 9.12 0.06 0.7 1072.9 -104.2 -8.9 1.94 0.07 3.7 58.48 -1.86
1951-1960 8.89 -0.17 -1.9 1197.2 20.1 1.7 1.81 -0.06 -3.2 64.23 3.89
1961-1970 8.81 -0.25 -2.8 1214.5 37.4 3.2 1.86 -0.01 -0.5 61.25 0.91
1971-1980 8.79 -0.27 -3.0 1137.9 -39.2 -3.3 1.82 -0.05 -2.7 60.94 0.60
1981-1990 9.13 0.07 0.8 1112.9 -64.2 -5.5 1.89 0.02 1.1 58.01 -2.33
1991-2000 9.86 0.80 8.8 1128.0 -49.1 -4.2 1.97 0.10 5.3 60.01 -0.33
2001-2010 10.09 1.03 11.4 1098.5 -78.6 -6.7 1.99 0.12 6.4 58.58 -1.76

Graph of deviations by decades

Graph of temperatures for individual years and months

Long-term temperature heatmap

Warmest and coldest months

Graph of average monthly temperature ranges

Graph of annual temperature deviations

Table of average monthly temperatures for individual decades

Mesec Povprečje 1901-1910 1911-1920 1921-1930 1931-1940 1941-1950
1 -1.71 -2.92-1.21-1.140.57-1.560.15-1.97-0.26-3.22-1.51
2 0.34 -0.21-0.550.09-0.250.01-0.33-0.26-0.600.31-0.03
3 4.61 3.95-0.665.210.604.49-0.123.90-0.714.640.03
4 8.98 7.99-0.998.45-0.538.45-0.538.55-0.439.890.91
5 13.75 13.15-0.6013.43-0.3213.66-0.0913.28-0.4714.020.27
6 16.94 16.58-0.3616.20-0.7416.33-0.6117.030.0916.91-0.03
7 18.84 18.24-0.6017.83-1.0118.990.1518.980.1418.990.15
8 18.41 17.78-0.6317.43-0.9818.21-0.2017.96-0.4518.970.56
9 14.82 13.83-0.9914.02-0.8014.65-0.1714.56-0.2615.841.02
10 9.80 9.70-0.108.56-1.249.910.119.29-0.519.75-0.05
11 4.17 2.94-1.233.23-0.944.540.374.490.323.68-0.49
12 -0.18
Mesec Povprečje 1951-1960 1961-1970 1971-1980 1981-1990 1991-2000 2001-2010
1 -1.71 -1.81-0.10-3.04-1.33-0.860.85-1.81-0.10-0.461.25-0.421.29
2 0.34 -0.52-0.860.22-0.121.541.20-0.08-0.421.351.011.591.25
3 4.61 3.84-0.773.91-0.704.830.224.53-0.085.590.985.390.78
4 8.98 8.69-0.299.490.518.03-0.959.070.099.720.7410.031.05
5 13.75 13.20-0.5513.28-0.4713.26-0.4913.910.1614.560.8115.191.44
6 16.94 16.91-0.0317.010.0716.44-0.5016.45-0.4917.770.8318.251.31
7 18.84 18.61-0.2318.33-0.5118.08-0.7619.100.2619.550.7120.281.44
8 18.41 18.12-0.2917.78-0.6317.83-0.5818.580.1719.841.4319.461.05
9 14.82 14.74-0.0815.150.3314.04-0.7815.410.5915.400.5814.80-0.02
10 9.80 9.69-0.1110.360.568.90-0.9010.500.7010.370.5710.670.87
11 4.17
12 -0.18 0.981.16-1.88-1.70-

Graph of average temperatures for individual months and decades

Graph of average temperature deviations for individual months and decades

Graph of average temperature ranges in individual decades

Graph of precipitation for individual years and months

Long-term precipitation heatmap

Wettest and driest months

Graph of annual precipitation deviations

Table of average monthly precipitation for individual decades

Mesec Povprečje 1901-1910 1911-1920 1921-1930 1931-1940 1941-1950
1 56.58 59.673.0968.8712.2950.49-6.0961.134.5562.155.57
2 56.92 79.7322.8142.22-14.7047.90-9.0252.79-4.1365.949.02
3 67.40 72.675.2786.7419.3466.56-0.8469.021.6238.57-28.83
4 91.30 106.2414.94100.128.82118.4527.1584.67-6.6377.19-14.11
5 104.31 101.14-3.1794.70-9.61106.231.92136.8532.5494.67-9.64
6 129.44 119.77-9.67129.520.08139.049.60124.23-5.21132.082.64
7 125.94 120.85-5.09150.1724.23112.53-13.41119.92-6.02127.331.39
8 123.30 135.1011.80126.152.85126.833.53133.259.95102.02-21.28
9 120.31 129.138.82146.4126.10148.2127.90129.849.5381.93-38.38
10 117.16 131.6714.51139.5222.36121.284.12168.8151.6588.70-28.46
11 105.27 108.653.3897.70-7.57115.4710.20103.45-1.82122.4317.16
12 79.13 99.3520.2290.4911.3662.45-16.6882.513.3879.930.80
Mesec Povprečje 1951-1960 1961-1970 1971-1980 1981-1990 1991-2000 2001-2010
1 56.58 62.966.3860.804.2261.925.3453.23-3.3535.36-21.2252.14-4.44
2 56.92 73.6016.6855.61-1.3159.242.3264.928.0040.56-16.3650.14-6.78
3 67.40 63.12-4.2874.336.9374.657.2578.3910.9954.45-12.9569.552.15
4 91.30 88.54-2.7697.516.2195.784.4875.22-16.0879.55-11.7584.30-7.00
5 104.31 112.718.40115.2510.9491.45-12.86107.653.3494.18-10.1392.45-11.86
6 129.44 140.1410.70128.85-0.59128.40-1.04139.429.98122.91-6.53117.72-11.72
7 125.94 133.067.12141.0815.14137.4511.51104.32-21.62125.61-0.33112.85-13.09
8 123.30 110.99-12.31139.6716.37114.48-8.82125.302.00111.91-11.39138.5215.22
9 120.31 117.44-2.87105.84-14.47107.85-12.46108.88-11.43114.89-5.42131.3211.01
10 117.16 114.89-2.2787.34-29.8298.11-19.05101.12-16.04141.5324.3789.75-27.41
11 105.27 95.80-9.47130.6925.42105.550.2884.67-20.60121.0015.7380.76-24.51
12 79.13 83.924.7977.49-1.6463.00-16.1369.79-9.3486.006.8779.00-0.13

Graph of average precipitation for individual months and decades

Graph of average precipitation deviations for individual months and decades

Graph of cloudiness for individual years and months

Long-term cloudiness heatmap

Least and most cloudy months

Graph of annual cloudiness deviations

Table of average monthly cloudiness for individual decades

Mesec Povprečje 1901-1910 1911-1920 1921-1930 1931-1940 1941-1950
1 68.19 69.010.8269.130.9469.991.8072.534.3466.34-1.85
2 65.14 63.71-1.4363.88-1.2664.36-0.7867.672.5362.05-3.09
3 62.69 62.41-0.2862.66-0.0363.330.6467.304.6159.60-3.09
4 60.66 61.020.3660.960.3062.021.3663.252.5959.64-1.02
5 58.77 58.47-0.3058.26-0.5159.811.0461.422.6556.37-2.40
6 59.26 58.19-1.0758.39-0.8760.140.8860.981.7256.51-2.75
7 50.66 50.18-0.4851.010.3551.691.0353.402.7448.74-1.92
8 49.51 49.25-0.2649.950.4450.651.1452.092.5848.17-1.34
9 52.14 52.11-0.0352.440.3053.080.9453.621.4848.82-3.32
10 58.21 57.54-0.6757.56-0.6558.700.4959.841.6356.50-1.71
11 68.69 67.22-1.4767.49-1.2068.26-0.4368.930.2468.02-0.67
12 70.19 69.76-0.4369.55-0.6470.980.7972.592.4071.030.84
Mesec Povprečje 1951-1960 1961-1970 1971-1980 1981-1990 1991-2000 2001-2010
1 68.19 71.433.2468.840.6571.893.7063.99-4.2066.83-1.3663.06-5.13
2 65.14 68.353.2166.421.2866.671.5360.32-4.8262.83-2.3170.044.90
3 62.69 64.291.6063.250.5662.42-0.2761.39-1.3062.850.1663.741.05
4 60.66 61.640.9860.51-0.1562.421.7660.35-0.3161.751.0956.38-4.28
5 58.77 59.720.9561.012.2456.97-1.8058.36-0.4159.190.4259.040.27
6 59.26 62.413.1559.19-0.0758.57-0.6959.15-0.1159.950.6959.09-0.17
7 50.66 54.453.7950.60-0.0654.453.7947.67-2.9950.42-0.2445.07-5.59
8 49.51 53.714.2053.033.5250.531.0245.40-4.1146.34-3.1749.640.13
9 52.14 56.514.3751.09-1.0555.082.9451.96-0.1852.06-0.0849.39-2.75
10 58.21 65.357.1455.69-2.5257.86-0.3556.89-1.3259.951.7454.60-3.61
11 68.69 73.574.8873.684.9967.65-1.0462.33-6.3670.021.3367.68-1.01
12 70.19 79.379.1871.701.5166.80-3.3968.35-1.8467.90-2.2965.25-4.94

Graph of average cloudiness for individual months and decades

Graph of average cloudiness deviations for individual months and decades

Graph of PEV for individual years and months

Long-term daily evapotranspiration heatmap

Graph of annual PEV deviations

Table of average monthly daily potential evapotranspiration for individual decades

Mesec Povprečje 1901-1910 1911-1920 1921-1930 1931-1940 1941-1950
1 0.40 0.38-0.020.410.010.33-0.070.39-0.010.400.00
2 0.74 0.66-0.080.760.020.800.060.72-0.020.760.02
3 1.42 1.41-0.011.450.031.39-0.031.33-0.091.490.07
4 2.25 2.15-0.102.16-0.092.13-0.122.18-0.072.360.11
5 3.10 3.06-0.043.03-0.073.01-0.092.96-
6 3.49 3.46-0.033.37-0.123.36-0.133.490.003.580.09
7 3.76 3.67-0.093.53-0.233.69-0.073.71-0.053.830.07
8 3.16 3.05-0.112.99-0.173.07-0.093.02-0.143.300.14
9 2.11 2.06-0.052.00-0.112.04-0.072.04-
10 1.15 1.14-0.011.07-
11 0.57 0.580.010.54-0.030.590.020.55-0.020.53-0.04
12 0.34 0.350.010.370.030.360.020.30-0.040.340.00
Mesec Povprečje 1951-1960 1961-1970 1971-1980 1981-1990 1991-2000 2001-2010
1 0.40 0.38-0.020.38-0.020.450.050.37-0.030.460.060.430.03
2 0.74 0.64-0.100.73-0.010.750.010.68-0.060.810.070.830.09
3 1.42 1.33-0.091.30-0.121.450.031.39-0.031.560.141.440.02
4 2.25 2.18-0.072.310.062.08-
5 3.10 3.00-0.103.02-0.083.07-
6 3.49 3.38-0.113.530.043.46-0.033.39-0.103.590.103.730.24
7 3.76 3.61-0.153.74-0.023.58-0.183.920.163.890.134.120.36
8 3.16 3.04-0.122.99-0.173.08-
9 2.11 2.05-
10 1.15
11 0.57 0.580.010.600.030.56-0.010.51-0.060.600.030.660.09
12 0.34 0.370.030.26-0.080.32-0.020.380.040.340.000.360.02

Graph of average potential evapotranspiration for individual months and decades

Graph of average potential evapotranspiration deviations for individual months and decades







Hitrost vetra

Sunek vetra


Solar radiation


Občutena temperatura




Baza oblakov


Indoor temperature

Indoor humidity

Sončni vzhod

Sončni zahod

Lunin vzhod

Lunin zahod






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Solar eclipse

Lunar eclipse






High temperature

Low temperature





